Olympia Odos Athens – Patras

Ολυμπία οδός Πατρών Κορίνθου

In the east Patras is connected with Athens with the Olympia Odos 

Emergency phone number: 1025

Customer Service: +30 22960 95555

Olympia Odos is indeed a high standard road that makes the distance from Athens Patras easy and relaxing. You will find sanitary and parking areas as well as Motorist Service Stations (SEA) If you have spare time you can choose the coastal route from the old highway road to the section Aigio-Corinth, which will compensate you for the extra time and distance : a beautiful route with rich alternations in the landscape, passages by the sea and through the villages of Aigialia.

Rio Antirio Bridge, Patra – Aitoloakarnania prefecture

In the north, Patras is connected to Aitoloakarnania prefecture with the Rio Antirrio Bridge

Customer Service: +30 26340 39010

The distance Rio Antirrio is done in a few minutes. The toll station is located on the side of Antirrio. In the few minutes that the crossing lasts you will have the opportunity to see from above the Venetian Castles of Rio and Antirrio and admire the view of the ferry from 57 meters above sea level. Alternatively of the bridge there is the connection of Rio Antirrio with ferry  boat where the cost of simple crossing for a car is much lower.

Routes of Rio Antirrio with ferry boat

πορθμείο ρίο αντίριο ferry boat

If you have the luxury of time then you can enjoy the ferry  boat ride overlooking the impressive bridge. The route lasts about 20 minutes, ideal for a “on board” stop on your road trip.

 Information: A Port Department of Rio +30 2610 991203 or  Rio Antirrio  Ferry


The bridge and the ferry are connected to the Ionian Odos

Emergency telephone: 1075

Customer Service: +30 22950 26900

The road ends in Ioannina where it connects to the Egnatia Odos. The Ionian Road is a road that adheres to the modern first construction and safety. Along the length you will find toilets and parking areas as well as Motorist Service Stations (SEA).

National Road Patras – Pyrgos & Kalamata

To the south and to Pyrgos-Kalamata, Patras is connected with the E55 motorway. There are no tolls and there are no modern safety regulations of the Road Saftey Law. The road is not guarded and there are several crossing points through villages, settlements, intersections and free entrances and exits of local roads. The E55 has been included in the project of the extension of the Ionian Road and developments in the construction of a modern and safe motorway are expected.